This article will find the appointment with lock feature within the appointment calendar. To view The filtered appointment, click here
1.To see appointments with the following filter.
- All Doctors :-Here, users can look at the appointment with a specific doctor.
- All Specialization :- A special modality of appointment search is available here for users.
- All Clinic :- Here users can select the specific clinic to view the appointment.
- All Schedule : Users can find the planned patient status by selecting a specific state
- All Study :- Here, users can find the appointment with a particular service.
- All Room :- Here, users will find the room in which they already planned the appointment schedule.
- All Triging :-Differentiate the appointment status by color in the triaging process.
2. “Using the lock option, users can select one or multiple filters and fix them. This will avoid users from re-selecting the same filters the next time.” Shown in below image.
A. If users used two filters during the search in the appointment,then following are the steps:
- Select first filter
- Then select the second filter
- Then click on the lock option
- You will view the filtered appointments.
B. To search with more than two filters, then following are the steps
- Select all the required filters one by one.
- Then click on the lock option
- Then the result will get on the appointment list
3. The Lock button has two colors-codes:
A. “The lock button turns from green (default) to red when it is clicked. It means that the filter options selected have been fixed and will not change for the user.
B. When you select the lock option, which appears in Red, the lock will be removed from the filter data, and you will see all of the appointments in the list that are not filtered.