This article will guide on how to send the OPD dead patient to the mortuary department
1. Click to Appointment Calneder on the control panel
2. Select the patient from the appointment calendar
3. Click to Is Deceased button on the demographic details of the patient.
Here select the Yes option from the drop down list in the is deceased button,Then the background color will be changed from white to red.
Once click to update and send to mortuary button, then it will be redirect to the send mortuary form.
Once users send to mortuary department, then it will be re-directed to mortuary request plan
From transfer to mortuary request plan to Mortuary management, click to Plus sign on the action tab.
- In the mortuary management users can directly add to mortuary department as well as can fill up the Deceased registration form.
- When a patient, relative wishes to take possession of a patient’s body, users may mark it as out here.