In this article, you’ll learn how to transfer nurse duty between patients
1.Click on the IPD Management on the control panel.
2. To transfer the nurse duty between patients, click on the “shift plan”
3. Once you click on the shift plan the shift plan screen will be open.
A. Here users need to select the clinic,
B. To change the shift, click on the “shift calender” button
C. In the select option users can select the shift plan which is into three categories such as
- Today
- This Week
- Next seven days
D. Once you click on the (+) sign the create shift screen will be open, here users need to fill up the following tabs such as
- From Date: Users need to set the From date here
- To Date: Users need to set the To date here
- From Time: Users need to set the From time here
- To Time: Users need to set the To time here
- Nurse Name: Users need to select the nurse name here
- Associate: click on the associate check box.
E. Click on the “Create” button to create a shift
- Here users can check the assigned shift to the particular person
- Here users can update the shift plan by clicking on the update button
- Here users can create the immediate shift by clicking on the “create shift” button
- Users can check the today’s shift plan in PDF format by clicking on the “Print Today’s Shift Plan”