The gathering, processing, analysis, and dissemination of information about services for hospital administration is known as Scheduled Availed Stats. Scheduled availability statistics refers to the process of allocating certain patients and/or their activities to time and/or healthcare resources. It is a database that contains details on admissions, ER visits, and outpatient appointments. The average daily census is determined using this data, which is helpful for the hospital administration system.
1. When we open the EHR site on that screen, under the quick links, we can find “Scheduled Availed Stats”.
2. Click on “Scheduled Availed Stats” option from the control panel, you will redirected to “Scheduled Availed Stats” as shown below.
3. In the above screen users can see a number of filters such as
- Week Range – You can able to search total follow up, total recommendation, total team service, total individual service for particular week as shown below.
- Modality – You can also search availed stats for a particular modality in a particular week.
5. After providing a date range, click “Search” to get the total recommendations, follow-ups, team hours, and individual hours for a given week.
6. Scheduled Availed stats report for the particular week contain following information.
- Service Date: Date on which service has performed.
- Total Individual: The total number of inpatient services for that particular modality were provided during that particular week.
- Total Team: Total number of Doctors team will be displayed
- Total Follow Up: Total Number follow up count will be displayed
- Total Recommendation: Total number of recommendation will be displayed
- Grant Total : Total number of all days in a month